It's time to level up your love life

If you're a high achieving man but your success in love and relationships is not matching up to your success in life and business, then you're in the right place.

Does This Sound Like You?

  • You're tired of swiping away on dating apps, going out to bars + clubs to meet women
  • Your relationships keep ending in similar patterns
  • You keep attracting the same people and experiences into your life but don't know why or how to stop

Hi, I'm Kim aka

The Love Doctor

I help high achieving men Heal the past, Grow in Self Love & Confidence and Manifest their Dream Love with my signature 1:1 mentorship offer--High Achiever's Heart.

I am dedicated to helping men realize their worthiness, their power, and unleash their inner King because the world freaking needs you.


High Achiever's Heart

A 12 Week Mentorship Program that follows my 3 Pillar Process, guiding you to Heal the Past, Grow in Self Love & Confidence and Manifest your Dream Love

In this Signature 1:1 Mentorship, you will:

What's Included:

Want to stop the cycle of failing relationship patterns like our friend Neil?

"Working with Kim helped heal my relationship with myself which is what I've always struggled with and often projected into relationships"


"Kim, thank you so much.

The growth I've experienced through you is something I could never have enough money to adequately pay you back for.

Because of you I feel open to receive and give love. You took a cynical, beaten up person and made them whole, optimistic, and deeply connected spiritually.

Seriously thank you.

"Kim is an excellent coach, who has a very kind and supportive energy.
She is a good listener and a confident guide who definitely left me feeling more connected, centered and calm as a result of our sessions. I felt seen and supported and feel like I made progress, in terms of healing & growing. I would definitely recommend her."


"Right now, I'm at the precipice of my best self.. The women that are attracted to me are perfect.. Women find me and have come to me out of a crowd."

Want To magnetically attract high caliber, emotionally & spiritually aligned women into your life like Gilbert?

If You Made It This Far...

You KNOW there's a part of you that wants to break failing relationship cycles and get to the root of why you keep attracting the same patterns, people, and experiences.

I offer a free discovery call where we will get deeper into what’s been holding you back and see if we’re a good fit to work together, either way you’ll leave the call with a roadmap for success in your love life.

© 2023 Kim Oceann

© 2023 Kim Oceann